
see our blog for more information on NFTs and the making of the Chilly Bits.

1000 Chilly Bits exist in the collection
Click here to see the full Chilly Bits Collection on


Chilly Bits are sold through a sale on

Early adopters may mint their very own Chilly Bits

Click here to see the Chilly Bit Sale on

How to mint a Chilly Bit?

Total Chilly Bit supply is 1000 Chilly Bits. There are two ways to mint your own Chilly Bit, The first way is to randomly generate them. We provide the options to mint x1 or x4 at a time. The Chilly Bits numbered #1 to #899 are available this way.

Upon purchase of these options: You will mint unique, never seen before Chilly Bits. These Chilly Bit will have one of over 200 million possible unique attribute combinations.


Furthermore, we provide the option to mint a specific Chilly Bit of your choice, the Chilly Bits numbered #900 to #1000 are available this way, we call these “Special Edition” Chilly Bits.

Hint: Feel free to hunt for one with the rarest attributes 😉